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(Scan me, I'm not shy!)
Point your phone's camera here to donate and let’s trail-blaze together!
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General Information
Bountiful City has been the recipient of generous donations from community members and businesses, and we are constantly in need of donations to help make the City’s trail system even more accessible, fully featured, and overall more enjoyable. All amounts, large and small are greatly appreciated!
Tax Deductible Status
Bountiful City is a governmental unit and a political subdivision of the State of Utah. As such, IRS regulations state that “Charitable contributions to governmental units are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code if made for a public purpose.”
Ways to Contribute
Credit Card or eCheck: use this link, Donate Now!
Stock: A stock brokerage account on behalf of Bountiful City has been set up with Wells Fargo for trails donations. The Wells Fargo DTC number is 0141 and our account number is 1864-8881.
Check: Issue a check payable to Bountiful City and note on the check that you are donating to the City for it’s trail system. Mail or deliver check to Bountiful City, 795 South Main Street, Bountiful Utah 84010.
If you would like to direct your donation for a particular trail or aspect of Bountiful’s trail system, please let us know. If you would like a letter of receipt that includes our Tax ID number for your records, please ask: email or contact one of the City’s trails staff.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the money go that is donated for Bountiful Trails?
The money goes into a Bountiful City account that is restricted for use specifically to be spent on trails projects.
How much money is needed?
The 2019 Trails Master Plan estimated the total cost of fulfilling the plan to be between $5-6 million. Later, more in-depth trails master planning identified additional projects; estimated total cost of all projects is between $10-11 million. Funding will go toward projects identified in the Trails Implementation Plan, which lists projects and priorities. Projects will be done in order of priority level as funding becomes available and any necessary planning/design and permitting is complete.
How much is needed for each project?
The Trails Implementation Plan identifies projects with estimated costs for each project.
What are other sources of funds for trail projects?
A general election bond, passed in 2020, generated $2 million dedicated to trails. Using the bond money as matching funds, the city was able to secure an additional $500,000 from the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant Program. Davis County donated a large sum to purchase property for a new trailhead. Also, some funding from Recreation/Arts/Parks Taxes has been used for trails work. Efforts to secure additional trail grants is ongoing. Private donations received during 2021-2023 have amounted to more than $66,000. We appreciate the generosity of the donors!
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Yes. Charitable contributions to government units for a public purpose are tax-deductible. Each donor is responsible for retaining donation receipt(s).