Bountiful City Trails
795 S Main Street
Bountiful, UT 84010
Monday - Thursday, 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
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2019 Trails Master Plan
Trails Implementation Plan
Master Plan Trails Map
Interactive Trails Map
Davis County Utah Trails
Bountiful Trails Advisory Committee
Click here to watch trails video
Exciting News for Bountiful’s Trails! We’re thrilled to share some great news with our trail-loving community! We’ve heard your voices, and Bountiful City is working with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) to designate not #JustOneTrail, but THREE trails exclusively for hikers and horseback riders. Pending USFS approval, Holbrook Trail and Kenny Creek Trail will become dedicated “boot and hoof” trails, and Big Rock Trail will be built for hikers only, ensuring a peaceful and enjoyable experience for those exploring on foot or horseback.
Our city is incredibly fortunate to have such a breathtaking natural backyard, and there’s plenty of room for everyone to enjoy it. Rather than thinking in terms of limits, let’s celebrate the abundance of opportunities available to all outdoor enthusiasts.
This partnership with the USFS is just the beginning. We’re committed to continuously improving our trails and considering ways for all users—hikers, bikers, equestrians, and more—to share and enjoy our beautiful mountain spaces together.
Let’s keep exploring, respecting, and celebrating the great outdoors— together!